Hello, fish keeping fans!
I was planning to start this website for a very long time, but finally, it is here!
But, first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Desislav, but most friends of mine call me Deso.
Father, husband and fish keeper for as long as I remember.
My first tank was bought to me by my father when I was a tiny boy, and since then, there was no time in my life while I didn’t have at least one fish tank in my home. I keep fish tanks even at my office right now. Most of my employes also like them 🙂
What is this site about?
Well, I’m 33 years old, and I keep fish for at least 30 years now. I think it’s time to share my experience with those who just start this incredible hobby.
Over the years, I made a lot of mistakes, been seeing a lot of different cases and issues on the road. If I manage to help at least a few people to avoid them, this website and all the work will worth it.
Here is a small sneak peek of the tank at home

Yes, I do keep Silver Arowana and two really big tiger Oscars at home. They seems to go along with each other.

But let’s stop here.
What you are going to learn here is not just a reviews from people who are looking to make bucks selling you useless accessories and advising you how to maintain your aquarium while they don’t even have one. I will try to share my REAL experience with you. Testing in real time products and methods of fish keeping.
You will also be able to test my “Smart Aquarium Calculator” which is at the point of writing this article still under construction, but I expect it to be up and running in the next 1-2 months. You will be able to calculate almost anything related to your aquarium – size, heating, cooling, filtration and so on. Over time I plan to develop the tool to help newbies as well as advanced users.
I’m also planning to develop well informative content about different fish species and how to make them live together without eating one another. I like creating a closed environment where most species are living in unison. Trust me, you don’t want your aquarium to become fithing field. It is ugly and sad.
That’s it for now. You can always contact me if you want me to discuss something related to our calculator or just looking for a chat.
Happy fish keeping !